Cycling Ireland EGM 15th June

Cycling Ireland Extraordinary General Meeting at the Red Cow Inn – 15 June, 2013

St. Tiernan’s Cycling Club were represented at the recent EGM by Brian Kilbride, Barry Doyle and Andy Lakes. We were there to vote against the motion supporting the nomination of Mr. Pat McQuaid as Cycling Ireland nominee for re-election as president of the U.C.I. in line with the views of our membership as democratically expressed by a margin of 24 to 3 votes prior to the meeting.

The EGM was called after the initial meeting to nominate Mr. McQuaid was shown not to have been conducted strictly in accordance with the rules of Cycling Ireland. The Cycling Ireland committee and president Rory Wyley deserve credit for convening the E.G.M. to let the member clubs express their views. They had the option of simply reconvening the committee meeting and re-voting but took the brave decision to let all the clubs have their say, knowing that their initial decision was at risk of being overturned.

St. Tiernan’s decided that they would speak to express an opinion against Mr. McQuaid’s nomination. We acknowledged what Pat McQuaid had done in the past but stated the view that that for the future of cycling, there needed to be a break from the doping culture of the past within professional cycling, and this would not be possible with Mr. McQuaid as president.
The motion was defeated by 91 to 74 votes.

We are proud of what we as a club have done in the past and what we currently contribute to the local cycling community. We look forward to a successful second half of the year .

The STCC Committee

1 Reply to "Cycling Ireland EGM 15th June"

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    anthony Moran
    June 28, 2013 (12:08 pm)

    Dear St Tiernans,
    I would like to express my thanks for the support that you gave me at the recent EGM. I was thankful for the words and considered view put forward by Brian gilbride at the EGM. I was saddend and disappointed to read on stickybottle that your club was singled out by one of the mcQuaids saying ” So we would not want to depend on them for inspiration or commitment to the cause.” This is factually incorrect. All of the clubs mentioned in the article run events leisure and races. St Tiernans in particular have been at the forefront of probably the biggest club leagure in Ireland for at least 10 years. You have given the sport a huge amount.

    I sincerely hope that people appreciate what all in St Tiernans have done. I do.
    Thanks again

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