3 Results for tag: Cycling

Important Club Updates & Review

Dear Fellow Tiernan's Member, We are coming to a little bit of a natural break in the cycling season- (I'm sorry ) with the Easter break upon us. It is a good time to reflect upon what has been a busy winter period for club members. The Saturday training spins have run pretty smoothly and a big thank you is necessary ... More

Cycling Ireland EGM 15th June

Cycling Ireland Extraordinary General Meeting at the Red Cow Inn - 15 June, 2013 St. Tiernan’s Cycling Club were represented at the recent EGM by Brian Kilbride, Barry Doyle and Andy Lakes. We were there to vote against the motion supporting the nomination of Mr. Pat McQuaid as Cycling Ireland nominee for re-election ... More

La Marmotte 2012 Report

La Marmotte 2012 Report by Joe Flynn Like the amphetamined fuelled, white knuckled ride of Dean Morriarty’s and Sal Paradise’s boot to the floor exit from New Orleans, pumping every ounce of juice out of their 1949 Hudson in Jack Keraouc’s On The Road, we gunned out of Lyon pepped up on power bars and isotonic ... More