Club Spin 21st April (racing group)

Fortunately we escaped the wrath of the April showers on Saturday last and managed to clock up a 105km spin in a moderate breeze. There was a good turnout for both groups as we assembled in our home ground of Parkvale. Our route took 10 of us out towards Enniskerry and taking a sharp right hand turn up Killegar to expand the lungs and get the heart rates up in preparation for the what was to come later.

We regrouped at the top and after admiring the view of Howth Head we made our way to Glencullen and Cruagh with Emmet and Ronan showing good hill climbing technique in their first outing with the club. Dave and Eamon decided to head for home in preparation for their racing the following day.

After refueling at the viewing point we made our way towards the Sally Gap with Barry leading the charge up the steep section (some say he was still in the big ring when he got to the top)! We regrouped again at the entrance to the Kippure mast with poor tyres, climatic conditions and low electrolytes being used as reasons why we should not make our way up to the top! Splendid sunshine and spectacular views over Lough Dan, Lough Tay and Carrigeendulff were followed by some intense up and over’s on the road from Roundwood to Killmac.

We arrived in Enniskerry for a well deserved coffee and the odd piece of cake!

by Kevin McNamee

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