How to follow St. Tiernan’s on Race Around Ireland

St. Tiernan’s CC and York Tri have joined forces to form an 8-person team for this year’s Race Around Ireland.

The 2,150km event takes the riders around the edge of the island of Ireland, including Malin Head and Mizen Head, accumulating 22,655m of climbing – and descending.

It’s a non-stop relay with St. Tiernan’s adopting a strategy of two four-man pods, each with two cars, a minimum of one support driver and a mechanic.

The teams within a team are split into STCC – Ciaran Ruane, David Corr, Damien Heffernan and Rodney Joyce – and York Tri – Orna O’Toole, Kirsty Smith, David Bramley and Daragh O’Toole.

They will ride eight hour shifts then sleep and eat during their transfer to their next shift.

Find out more about the team and its sponsors on our dedicated Race Around Ireland page, check out the route on the official page and track the team from 16.27 on Sunday via BlackBox. We’re number 803.

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